What is Native Advertising


native advertising guide for businesses

Native advertising is undeniably the next big thing in digital marketing, particularly for businesses all over the world.

It's definitely the next big thing, as it's become an industry term as major publishers like Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider have begun to adopt this type of marketing approach and offer native ads to their readers on a regular basis.

What Does Native Advertising Mean?

You may have come upon an item on a website, navigated to the Travel section, and clicked through it since it piqued your interest. 

You came to a gorgeous resort while skimming through. That is essentially the purpose of native advertising. It gives the impression that the user discovered the content rather than being explicitly promoted to him.

When many advertisers first heard about native advertising, they mistake it for a light kind of content marketing.

At its core, native advertising refers to a type of paid media in which the promotion experience mimics the natural characteristics and functions of the user experience in which it is put.

It's a type of marketing that coordinates the platform's visual structure, appearance, and feel such that it looks to be natural content.

It is essentially a type of advertising that provides the user with relevant content in a familiar context. Its message is relatable because it resonates with the audience. When presenting advertising, its major purpose is to improve the user experience.

Despite the fact that it is a kind of advertising, it does not appear to be one, unlike conventional banners or display ads, which are easily identifiable. In many circumstances, it serves as an advertisement.

Native ads blend into the platform, blending perfectly into the customer's browsing experience, making it appear as if they discovered it on their own.

Why Choose Native Advertising?

Native advertising is already commonplace, and it's being employed by major publishers all over the world.

As marketers, one of the most effective ways to grab the attention of our target audience is through native advertising. The optimization processes for search engine marketing are a great example of this, and it's growing in popularity because it works.

This may be a new marketing tactic, but based on the rate of adoption and response, it appears to be effective, even from the consumer's perspective.

Native advertising is cost-effective when measured in terms of impressions per dollar spent. When compared with other forms of internet advertising, the Rate of Return on Investment (ROI) is much higher.

According to preliminary findings, native advertising will continue to be a popular brand marketing technique.

Implementing this method would be useful to your business in the long run if you don't want to fall behind the competition.

Native Advertising Effectiveness and Importance

Native advertising is everything your Aunt Mildred likes on Facebook and in nearly every newspaper and magazine you see. It is ads made to look like regular written material, and it is becoming one of the most effective ways to advertise anything. It's so effective that many brands are using it to reach their customers, including the big boys.

The goal of every marketing plan is to raise brand recognition and increase conversions.

Native advertising, on the other hand, is approaching the industry with a completely distinct look that appeals to practically everyone, including the most skeptical.

It is thus embraced by a massive amount of people with minimal aversion due to its cohesive nature. As a result, the user is not only engaged but also converted into a paying customer.

Native advertisements generate more brand awareness and buy intent than traditional brand marketing techniques.

Native Advertising vs Display Advertising: How Do They Look Like

As a type of advertisement, how do you spot native and display advertising?

Both native and display advertising are key parts of a well-rounded marketing plan. These two names, however, are frequently used interchangeably, despite the fact that they do not represent the same thing.

Both display and native advertisements are paid adverts, but there are several major differences between them. Native advertisements are embedded within the content, whereas display ads are put on it.

Native ads are integrated into the design and content of a website.

"Sponsored" or "paid" content posts, pay-per-click (PPC) search marketing campaigns, "advertorial" articles in magazines, and TV infomercials are all examples of native advertising on websites and social media platforms.

Native ads have a more journalistic feel to them and are less intrusive and hard-selling than other types of digital ads.

Display ads, unlike text ads, appear on sites, apps, and social media sites rather than on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

The early display advertising was known as "banner ads," and they were hyperlinked, image-based ads in the shape of a strip that was normally found at the top of a web page.

Banner advertisements eventually developed into display adverts, which today come in a number of different forms and incorporate interactive components like videos, pop-ups, and other features.

The Top 3 Reasons Why Marketers Use Native Advertising In Their Campaigns

Nowadays, you can't log on to the Internet without seeing a native advertisement. Native advertising is growing rapidly and marketers are taking notice.

There are three big reasons why marketers use native advertising in their campaigns:

1. Native advertising is effective

Native advertisements are viewed 53 percent more so than display ads by consumers. Native advertisements improve purchase intent by 18%, and visual interaction with native ads is comparable to, if not slightly higher than, that of original editorial material.

2. Ad fatigue is combated through native advertising

When an audience becomes weary with viewing advertisements, this is known as ad fatigue. They simply cease paying attention after a while.

Native advertisements are brand exposure that is hidden in editorials, so the audience isn't fatigued. Native advertising appeals to the audience as long as the material is relevant and entertaining.

3. Native commercials are a sort of advertising that consumers are aware of, but they don't care!

According to a recent Stanford University study, no one is fooled by native advertising. Although customers know that they are watching advertising, native ads have a big impact on purchasing decisions.

Programmatic Native Advertising For A Seamless Marketing Campaign

It's one thing to show your audience native ads. Serving customized native adverts to potential buyers in real-time and at scale is one thing.

This is what programmatic native advertising is all about, and it's about taking native advertising to new heights.

Brands and enterprises can use programmatic native advertising to improve their native advertising ROI by employing Real-Time Bidding on programmatic native ads (RTB).

A headline, thumbnail image, content URL, description text, and other metadata pieces are used to create native advertisements.

When a visitor visits a website, a space is created for an ad impression through programmatic native advertising. The publisher's bid requests are sent by the Supply Side Platform (SSP).

On behalf of the advertiser, the Demand Side Platform (DSP) responds with metadata metrics and bids. The SSP picks the winning offer according to the metadata and promptly customizes the native ad using template design to fit within the site or app.

This whole thing happens in a split second. Native advertising may generate a considerably more targeted approach for each client in real-time using the programmatic platform, which correlates to improved engagement and conversions.


Despite the fact that both content marketing and native advertising rely on advertiser-generated content, that is about all they have in common.

Native advertising is more equivalent to the display adverts that benefit from being embedded in content from reputable sources.

Whilst you may have a better understanding of what native advertising are and how to create them, it's still a good idea to consult a brand marketing expert to maximize your company's whole potential energy.