Why Should You Be Concerned With Marketing Funnels


tofu mofu bofu marketing funnels

If you as a marketer are unable to visualize things in real terms, your marketing plan will be ineffective. Having a structure that will provide you with deeper insights into the varying phases of the marketing process, as well as with customers, is critical.

Designing a marketing funnel can assist you in properly visualizing your strategies and constructing an efficient campaign. But what exactly is a marketing funnel, why should you care?

Let's start with a fundamental grasp of the marketing funnel and explore how you can apply it to your business.

The Marketing Funnel Explained

So, what is a marketing funnel, and what is its role in digital marketing?

The marketing funnel is a system used by firms to convert strangers into loyal clients. It's a graphic representation of the whole customer experience, from first learning about the company to make a purchase.

The marketing funnel architecture is founded on the premise that the number of people a company draws is larger than the number of those who will exhibit genuine interest and eventually become leads, then customers.

As a result, like a funnel that we use in our kitchen, online marketers spread a wide net to gather as many prospects as possible, then nurture them along the buyer's journey.

Let's look at the phases of the marketing pipeline in more detail.

Different Stages of Marketing Funnel That You Should Understand

Different Stages of Marketing Funnel

So, how does a marketing funnel function, and what are the processes involved in each journey?

While there are many different types of marketing funnels, the most effective approach to depict the full journey is to use the simple marketing funnel model, which just has three stages: Tofu, Mofu, and Bofu.

Let's take a closer look at the three main steps of the marketing funnel, one by one, and grasp the touchpoints at each stage.

The Top of Funnel (ToFu) Stage 

I'm not sure whether you've heard of the condensed soy milk that's been pressed into solid white blocks. ToFu is the name for it. But this isn't the type of tofu we're talking about.

The upper region of the marketing funnel is known as ToFu, also known as, Top of Funnel. It's basically the initial step and the funnel's widest part.

The goal of the top of the marketing funnel is to raise brand awareness among your target demographic. This is the point at which you demonstrate your industry's authority.

This stage is all about raising brand awareness. Marketing strategies can entice prospects into this stage. With events, trade exhibitions, advertising, blog entries, infographics, and social media, you can develop trust and thought leadership.

The primary purpose of this stage of marketing is to generate leads. As a result, data is gathered to aid in the nurturing of leads as they progress through the funnel.

The Middle of Funnel (MoFu) Stage

The Mofu (Middle of Funnel) is where you present your business as the best company of a service or product to meet the needs of the consumer.

Targeted deals and content, such as audiobooks, comparison charts, and webinars, may be included at this stage.

As a digital marketer, your role in the middle of the funnel would be to provide enough value for your website visitors to want to learn more about your organization so you can build a relationship with them.

In this step of the funnel marketing process, the main focus is on generating interest, consideration, and intent.

Customers go on to the interest stage after being aware of the brand and learning more about the company's products or services. Marketers can cultivate these leads by delivering personalized emails to them.

The prospects can then be fostered further by offering free samples and product demonstrations. This is the most effective time for marketers to make a convincing case for why their organization is the best option.

Capturing and nurturing leads is the fundamental purpose of middle-of-funnel marketing.

The Bottom of Funnel (BoFu) Stage

Bofu (Bottom of Funnel) is the point at which you have established enough confidence with your potential clients. This is the funnel's lowest section. You might think of this as the funnel's pointed or narrow end.

As a strategist, your responsibility at this stage is to showcase your business in a compelling manner that convinces your prospects that it is the greatest answer to their problems and that they should take action.

Your funnel's bottom may resemble a limited-time deal for your items or services. This is the point at which leads become true, devoted consumers.

This stage is mostly concerned with evaluation and buying. You must ensure that prospects have enough knowledge about the product prior to making a purchase decision so that they are motivated to finish the deal.

In this final step, the major goal is to convert leads into customers.

Why Should You Be Concerned With Marketing Funnels?

The most important reason to be concerned well about the marketing funnel is its significance in terms of streamlining the client journey. It simplifies and visualizes the process, allowing businesses to plan out each stage of a marketing campaign.

Whether you're searching for sales, driving traffic for your business, or gathering clicks as an affiliate marketer, the marketing funnel can help you with practically any client encounter.

When it comes to building marketing campaigns and measuring client interactions at every level, the marketing funnel is the ultimate guide. It's an effective approach of taking a customer from brand awareness to developing a connection to persuading them to make a buy.

Marketing Funnel vs Sales Funnel

A funnel can be thought of as the process that a customer takes from being a lead to being a customer. Simply described, it is the sequence of actions that occur before a consumer purchase a product or service.

So, what's the difference between a sales funnel and a marketing funnel?

In the world of sales and marketing, there has been a heated dispute about who truly owns the funnel. Is it marketing or sales?

Sales and marketing are closely related fields that frequently cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Pulling one component from the other is a difficult undertaking due to the strong relationship between the two functions.

Furthermore, marketing is a broad function that encompasses a wide range of commercial activities, with sales being one of its core activities.

However, it's worth noting that sales and marketing both use the same funnel. It is, however, critical to comprehend their various duties.

Each has its own path map that shows how a potential consumer progresses. The bottom of the marketing funnel signifies the head of the sales funnel, while the peak of the sales funnels marks the bottom of the marketing funnel.

As a result, the sales funnel is propelled forward by marketing operations that raise product awareness and demand.

The difference between a marketing funnel and a sales funnel is a tough subject that can be debated for hours. It's worth noting, though, that marketing and sales are similar in some ways.

For example, both are psychological activities that cost money and are intended to make money. The marketing funnel promotes products and services in order to persuade potential customers to purchase them.

The sales funnel, on the other hand, interacts with the prospects from the marketing funnel, encouraging them to buy as many times as possible.

In most cases, the roles of sales and marketing are distinct. Sales are more concerned with earning revenue, whereas marketing is concerned with increasing sales. These two, on the other hand, go hand in hand. To generate income, sales require a marketing strategy.

As for the disagreement about who owns the funnel, they both have the ability to use it to produce income for the company.


The marketing funnel tells you what you need to do to influence clients at each step after a comprehensive examination.

There's a better possibility of driving higher sales, better loyalty and increased brand awareness if you evaluate your funnels from top to bottom.

Learning the marketing funnels in depth will assist you in developing an efficient marketing strategy for attracting clients at the outset, persuading them to learn more about your brand, and convincing them to make a transaction with you.